The Struggle Is Real (The Flesh, The World, and the Devil) - Silencing the Adversary [Ryan Ashley]
Genesis 3 1-6, Luke 4:1-11
The chief dispute in the world is who has authority and who deserves to be worshipped.
3 Great Questions in Life:
1. Who is God? (Theology)
2. Who are we/am I? (Anthropology/Identity)
3. What is the good life? How do we live? (Morality/Sociology)
1. Silencing the Adversary starts with recognizing the voice of God.
2. Silencing the Adversary comes through obedience.
3. Silencing the Adversary requires us to trust.
“Worship works from the top down, you might say. In worship we don’t just come to show God our devotion and give him our praise; we are called to worship because in this encounter God (re)makes and molds us top-down. Worship is the arena in which God recalibrates our hearts, reforms our desires, and rehabituates our loves. Worship isn’t just something we do; it is where God does something to us. Worship is the heart of discipleship because it is the gymnasium in which God retrains our hearts.”
James K.A. Smith
“Jesus is a teacher who doesn’t just inform our intellect but forms our very loves. He isn’t content to simply deposit new ideas into your mind; he is after nothing less than your wants, your loves, your longings.”
James K.A. Smith, You Are What You Love