The Gospel According to Mark - The Way of Jesus Over the Way of the Pharisees [Ryan Ashley]

Mark 2:23-3:6

“A “day off” cannot sustain the human soul. Only a Sabbath can.” 

A.J. Swoboda, Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World

“The Sabbath is God’s solution to FOMO anxieties. On the Sabbath, we are “in” because we are with Jesus Christ. God is with us. And the world does not define us.” 
A.J. Swoboda, Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World

“Not a passage that dismisses the Sabbath, but one that frees the Sabbath to be what it was originally intended to be; a sign pointing to the grace of God and to his ultimate sanctification of his people.”

Dan Zazvorka, 1988

Ten Signs that you might have a bit of a Pharisee in you…

1. You Like Rules… a Lot!

2. You Think It is Your Job to Defend Right and Call Out Wrong.

3. You Are Quick to Criticize and Slow To Compliment.

4. You See The Bad and Not Good Enough Before the Beautiful and the Possible in Every Situation.

5. You Just Wish People Were More Like You.

6. You Don’t Eat and Drink with People Far From God.

7. Every New Reading of Scripture is Guilty Until Proven Innocent.

8. The Rule is More Important to You than the Reality.

9. About the Issue More Than The Person.

10. You Hold Yourself to a Higher Standard than Jesus


The Gospel According to Mark - Defining The Relationship [Ryan Ashley]


The Gospel According to Mark - The Backstory of Rest [Ryan Ashley]