Drop Everything - A Day in the Life: Renewal [Ryan Ashley]

Mark 1:35-39, John 17:13-23

“Community is vitally important because the church – the community of God’s people – is the hermeneutic of the gospel. In other words, the community of the church is the living, breathing, in-your-face demonstration of what it means to live under the reign of God.”

Wes Roberts and Glenn Marshall Reclaiming God’s Original Intent for the Church

“Clearly the early Christians thought their way of life was important, for lifestyle is not the only product of belief; it is a display of what people truly believe. The Christians lifestyle embodies their habitus, the reflexes that reveal the inner character that resulted from their conversion.”

Alan Kreider The Patient Ferment of the Early Church

“In the 20th century (generally speaking), protestant Christians set out to make America Christian and ended up making Christianity American.” 

Stanley Hauerwas

“Society was regarded by the Desert Fathers as a shipwreck from which each single individual man and woman had to swim for their lives. These were people who believed that to let oneself drift along, passively accepting the tenets and values of what they knew as society, was purely and simply a disaster.”

Thomas Merton


Forgiveness, Confrontation, and Healing [Ryan Ashley]


Drop Everything - A Day in the Life Part 1 [Ryan Ashley]