The Struggle Is Real (The Flesh, The World, and the Devil) - In It, Not of It [Ryan Ashley]

John 15:18-21, 1 John 2, Deuteronomy 29:16-19


John 15:18-21

1 John 2:15-17


1. Planet Earth = Romans 1:20

2. Humanity = John 3:16

“A Culture, the patterns of beliefs, social forms, dispositions, and values that are institutionalized in people’s collective life.”

Cornelius Plantinga Jr.


“Our cultural and social practices, that are under the control of Satan and, thus opposed to God.”

Dallas Willard


The world is a system of ideas, values, practices, and social norms that are institutional in a culture organized around the twin sins of rebellion against God and the redefinition of good and evil.

1. Syncretism

2. Choose Your Own Adventure

“An alarming number of Christians are very prone to viewing their faith as largely a volunteer enterprise. They pick and choose which values they wish to adopt from Scripture and which they will adopt from the dominant culture. This syncretistic approach to faith is only possible because of the unexamined assumption that we are in charge of our doctrine, dogma, and morals rather than God. Much of its appeal lies in the ability to blend in with the surrounding culture, minimize our discomfort, and still hold to the illusion of being Christian-like in one’s behavior.”

David Tackle – The Truth About Lies

Deuteronomy 29:16-19

1 John 2:15-17

1. Lust of the Flesh

2. Lust of the Eyes

3. Pride of Life


The Struggle Is Real (The Flesh, The World, and the Devil) - Everyone Needs to Die [Ryan Ashley]


The Struggle Is Real (The Flesh, The World, and the Devil) - The Law of Returns [Ryan Ashley]