A Colony Of The King - Living the Long Game [Ryan Ashley]
Philippians 4:1-3; 1:27
1:27 “Whatever happens, live as Citizens of the Gospel of the King!”
“Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit,[e] striving together as one for the faith of the gospel”
1. Paul Presupposes that You Are in Real, True Community
2. Paul Presupposes that Your Community is a Living Display of the Gospel
“And since the gospel does not come as a disembodied message, but as the message of a community which claims to live by it and which invites others to adhere to it, the community's life must be so ordered that it "makes sense" to those who are so invited.”
Lesslie Newbigin
“In contrast to the long period in which the plausibility structure of European society was shaped by the biblical tradition, and in which one could be a Christian without conscious decision because the existence of God was among the self-evident truths, we are now in a situation where we have to take personal responsibility for our beliefs.”
Lesslie Newbigin